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Toby Greenfield

Lifting techniques to save your back at work

We all do it, arching our backs lazily as we pick up a heavy object. We then go and sit down later and wonder why our back hurts. In this article, we will teach you lifting techniques to save your back at work

My work experience at HBTC

We recently welcomed Lucy into the Recruitment Team as she completed a couple of days of work experience at HBTC and we were delighted to show her the ropes. Get an insider’s look at her time with us. Read Lucy’s experience here!

Breaking Myths Surrounding Women in the Tech Industry

The IT and tech industry is more diverse than you think. Yes, there is still an under-representation of women in the IT industry as a whole. However, the idea that the tech industry is solely made up of men is false. In this article we debunk the myths surrounding women in tech

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