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British Values

Apprenticeship wage rise in April 2024

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We come bearing great news for aspiring apprentices. The apprenticeship wage will be rising to £6.40 per hour (as of April 2024) which is excellent news for apprentice and local companies in and around Hull, Grimsby, and Scunthorpe

The History of Democracy: A British Value

Discover the key events that molded modern democracy in Great Britain, from the Magna Carta to the Reform Act 1832 and beyond. Find out why democracy is a fundamental British value and how it continues to affect us today!

Nurturing Individual Liberty through Apprenticeships

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Individual liberty, one of the core values of British society, emphasises personal freedom, autonomy, and the right to make choices. Find out how apprenticeship help empower individual liberty.

Should the Voting Age be lowered to 16?

Lowering the voting age is a controversial question that’s forever discussed, there are pros and cons to either option. In this article, we will discuss these and allow you to make your own conclusions.

ID Needed to Vote

From May 2023 you will be required to bring photo ID to be able to vote in local and general elections.

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