HBTC recruitment services launched!
We are very excited to start offering our HBTC recruitment services throughout the Humber!
Okay yes, we may have been fibbing a bit here. We have already kind of offered this in the past to companies in the region, but we’ve never really shouted about it. It’s only been done as and when we have recruited an apprentice and helped out with any further vacancies.
Although saying this, we have been successful when asked to help. So we’re making this service accessible to everyone!
If we take a deeper dive into the Humber, there is a bountiful wealth of talented individuals, for businesses across the region to tap into.
This is where we can help… we know the local job market like no one else. Over the years we’ve worked with an incredible amount of amazing businesses throughout the region and have consistently supplied apprentices to these businesses. With such a strong, deep understanding of the local region, we are some of the best in the business for understanding companies with offices in the Humber!
With a small, tight-knit, experienced and friendly team. It allows communication, organisation and hard work to be the fundamental values that the recruitment team is built upon.
Check out the new recruitment section of our website – live now!
Toby Greenfield
Toby is our Learner Engagement Marketing Apprentice and is involved with all things social media and content development. He is also responsible for attending careers events and delivering presentations. Toby is dedicated to showcasing the apprenticeship opportunities available for individuals and businesses to embark upon.