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GCSE Grading System: What Do the Numbers Mean?

Employers who review apprentice CVs regularly will know that the GCSE grading system changed a few years back. However, it can be very confusing trying to review an apprentice CV without a clear understanding of the grading system. Here we will explain the new (ish) system and what the numbers mean.

Why Develop Your Future Leaders?

Leadership is not a title that someone is given, it is something that is earned. That is why organisations must take a proactive approach to training their employees to become the future leaders of their company. 

HBTC Planting a Tree for Each Apprentice Recruited

As a business, we are committed to not only providing excellent opportunities for our apprentices, but also helping to improve the environment. That is why we are excited to announce we’ve partnered with more:trees and will be planting a tree for each apprentice recruited.

woman in black long sleeve shirt had a job interview

When to Recruit Apprentices: The Best Time of Year for Employers

When it comes to filling apprenticeship positions, timing is everything. And while there isn’t a single “right” time of year to recruit apprentices, there are definitely some times that are better than others. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding when to recruit apprentices for your business.

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